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Tomorrow, is the day… like a wedding, can’t wait for it to finally be over so life can go on again…. But there is one last thing to do.

Look at the Republican Party. The only reason Romney is doing well, is because he pivoted in the first debate, and became a liberal. His past track record had almost pushed him to the point of no return, until he reinvented himself upon that first debate stage. In other words, Romney is now the more liberal candidate, if one just looks at what he has said since October 4th.

However the old message is still prevalent in Delaware’s Republican exoskeleton. Kovach who once was considered a decent person, is now a compromised decent person. Kevin Wade, is nothing more than a word to rhyme with suede. Jeff Craig wants us to believe that if you can run a 16 X 40 foot retail outlet buried in the middle of a Fairfax strip mall, you can run the entire state’s government. Greg Lavelle believes that if you trash your opponent hard enough, you will get elected. Cathy Cloutier believes that no one gives enough of a hoot, making it so simple that she can be endorsed by the pro choice and pro life movements in the same election. Evan Quietsch believes the United Nations has set up a secret outpost somewhere in the woods of the 11th District, and that his challenger is the Manchurian Candidate who is actually from Manchuria. Rick Jensen has to ignore 99% of a story to make his case in support of any Republican who shows up on his show. Dori Conner, is running “Go, Go William Penn” down in Cavalier Country. NCCE Blake has to put stickers on his campaign signs, that say “I’m not Tom Gordan.” Then there is DelawarePolitics.Net, which although it has great people, they all get their orders from Homer Simpson. There is Brian Pettyjohn who, whenever his name gets mentioned, reminds one of the Lollypop Guild soliciting a hooker on the side of the Yellow Brick Road… And then, there was Two Timing Booth, kicked out for…. oh my. Don’t even get me started on Bodenweiser…. And above all this mess, flies the green faced witch on her magic broom, saying 2014, 2014…..

What happened? Siegler, is this what happens when you put the NRA actually in charge of something?

From top to bottom this party is (I’ll bend over backwards and be very nice here)…. dysfunctional… It is time for it to go away….

I heard a caller put it very well on Al Masciti this morning. Business needs representation. With this party they don’t have it. What they do have is Jack Markell, Chip Flowers, and Beau Biden, working with them as well as representing “we the people” who simultaneously do the necessary work for these businesses as well as us who depend on their health to live well ourselves…..

Delaware works better as a single party state than as a two party one…. Why? Simply put, everyone is an individual again. There is no reason NOT to work with someone who’s viewpoint is different from yours… It is called “compromise” and with today’s Republican Party from the top down, that compromise gene is simply not in their chromosomes……

Now here is my argument… Any vote for any Republican, weakens our state. I’m guessing we need an 85/15 democratic majority to permanently make this party go away…. I’m worried that many in Delaware may not vote this time because our national election is a foregone conclusion, and really, there is no reason to suspect or worry that any Republican will win….

Here is why you must… Your vote against the Republican Party, is needed to make it be gone forever….. We need single party government now more than ever… WE need cooperation between workers and businesses, and only one party, the Democratic one, can provide that.

Some say we need another voice to balance out one party rule… We will have them. 21 separate voices in the Senate, and 45 separate ones in the House, but only if they are all Democrat … Every person is an individual, and every person has to represent their district. There are some conservative districts, there are some progressive districts. but it still will take a majority to get anything passed.

At least if there is only one party, they will get things done the old fashioned way. The conservatives will express their needs, the progressives will express their needs, and some type of compromise all can live with, will get hammered out….

That can’t happen if there are Republicans anywhere in government to mess things up…..

So do your civic duty… Vote Democratic or Libertarian, or any another candidate…. Just make Republicans go away…. I used to like watching cartoons on Saturday… Now, that I have to watch them 365 days at 24/7, it is too much…. (Now, where’s that Advil?)

Make them go away.


Delaware’s most expensive race this season, has gotten catty.  Meow…  Republican Greg Lavelle in typical Republican fashion started  and attacked Democrat Mike Katz for missing committee meetings…   In typical Republican fashion, the charge went like this…. “You’re a no good, two timing, scheming, lazy, and unfit for office, because you missed a few meetings this year!!! How can you even dare run for office when you missed meetings like that!”

It was quickly pointed out on the Rick Jensen show, that Greg Lavelle has missed quite a few meetings over his career too… Since it is a longer career, he’s probably missed a lot more meetings… But charges like that are what one expects from Republicans, especially those in northern New Castle County… I can remember another one like that… I think his name was Clatworthy?  Am I right?  And another one who’d pull charges out of thin air…. I think the ran for Lt. Governor in 2008 and only got like 17% of the vote or something?

Delawareans don’t like  bomb throwers…..  Don’t take my word for it.   Just ask Janet C. Rzewnicki…..

The Ms Katz takes to the airwaves and levels the Lavelle campaign.  It is over.  She tells of how she got the call that Mike Katz  was about to die and so were his two girls, when the ski lift collapsed and they slammed into the ground.  She tells how the paramedic put the phone up to his lips, so they could say the last goodbyes…  And Greg Lavelle would use that, to blame Mike Katz for not showing up for meetings?

(Of course he would; how to do it is listed in page 3 of the Republican ethics manual.)

Greg, like the bully in trouble runs to Rick Jensen and says that he was talking about meetings in 2012, and the accident was in 2010.  He pulls out a stolen email from the Katz campaign that says Mike has worn out a pair of sneakers going door to door, campaigning since January.

(He also admitted it was common policy to have staffers present at the meetings and that most of the work can be done a lot more efficiently from home.  He does it himself quite often.)

Both were in WDEL’s studio this past Friday.  Katz responded that he has ongoing medical concerns… (like a broken back) and sometimes, it is impossible to move.  As any chiropractor will tell anyone who thinks to ask, often the real pain comes  years later, as the cartilage settles and wears thinner…  Therapy takes a long time…

For those who live in the Fourth, here is the real deal… Dr. Katz has done more for your district than anyone in recent memory.  Prior to Katz, you had a prima-donna who was too busy pursuing Republican Party Rings, to take care of constituent needs.  Mike has done more.  Mike has fixed the Beaver Dam Road.  Mike has gotten things done…

On the other hand, Greg Lavelle has done very little.. Like the predecessor before Dr. Katz, he is more concerned with pursuing Republican rings, than he is in helping Delaware grow.  Although all knew there is no way it would pass, he still ( like every Republican) wastes everyone’s time with his proposals for anti-woman legislation, his proposals for anti-marriage legislation,  proposals for gigantic, impossible-to-execute tax cuts for the top !% ( so he gets campaign funding from them in return); and bills meant to keep innocent people behind bars who have served their sentence, to stay even longer…..  Greg Lavelle is far more concerned about what ALEC seems to think, instead of the people of Delaware.

In fact, the running joke in Dover about Lavelle, is:  How do you know when Delaware’s elections season starts?  ANSWER:  Greg Lavelle is featured  in the News Journal, screaming about something wrong with Delaware’s prison system.. LOL.  I believe he wanted Danberg fired or something?  Danberg?  Really?  Of all people?  True to form, this September,  just after Labor Day…. he begins screaming… first to the News Journal, then to Rick Jensen… “We gotta do something; we gotta do something; outrageous; travesty.” Yeah. yeah. yeah.

So residents in the Fourth.  Do you want a doer as you have in Mike Katz?  Or do you want a screamer, who has been doing it for 12 years… No track record until … Uh oh, it’s election year…  Time to scream:  “Fire that guy”.. (he has no power to fire or hire the replacement, he has no responsibility so screaming is his easy way out.”…

It is time to definitely retire Greg Lavelle…  Listen to his voice.  Does his voice tones  sound like he is lying to you too?

Delaware does not need 2000 year Dick Cheney style politics clogging up our getting things done…  In fact: this democratic General Assembly has accomplished getting 900% more done than the previously two party divided General Assembly… A big part of that proficiency came from Dr. Katz…  Another part or that productivity was that as a Republican, Greg Lavelle was sidelined to where he could do very little damage….

There is no reason to hire Greg Lavelle, a person who is little more than a Copeland clone.  Dr. Katz has done much, much more.

In the next four years, Delaware will need to figure out where we go with Obamacare.  Without  a doctor like Dr. Katz in the General Assembly, we’d be making that foray into the future while..  blind…. 

This is one clear case of good versus bad.   We need the good now more than ever.

With High Republican Turnout I'm Sure to Be Wellfed Nov. 6th
Photo Courtesy of Soggy Log

They thought he was nuts.

A fourth Texas high-tech startup that received taxpayer money through Gov. Rick Perry’s signature economic development fund has filed for bankruptcy, pushing the total losses in the $194 million portfolio beyond what the state says the fund has earned.

The collapse of bioenergy producer Terrabon Inc., which was awarded $2.75 million in 2010 and was backed by large Perry political donors, raises the question of whether the state’s Emerging Technology Fund that began in 2006 is now worth less than what taxpayers have put into it.

Just like Solyndra, the culprit is Obama’s aggressive and extensive natural gas drilling occurring domestically, that has drop natural gas prices so green energy can’t compete.

Rick Perry, who accused Obama of cronyism over Solyndra, is now guilty of the exact same himself. I wonder if next we find Rick Jensen started up a green energy company using money from his beer distributor friends? 🙂

Yawn.  We are so used to it by now.

Always near the last week of September before an election cycle, Republican State Auditor Thomas Wagner, releases some audit that  somehow gets stretched to cover something both corrupt and Democratic, and Republican Greg LaVelle jumps all over it like a ho on coke to prove he is Delaware’s champion for righteousness and might. It’s like we get nothing of value for two years solid years, then right before an election,  bam, we have a grave crisis, handcrafted for one politician:  Greg LaVelle. Republican for Senate.

They tried to waltz in on the Work Release program.  That fizzled.  Isn’t it ironical that it was only those two Republicans who were redistricted into contentious races who were being  the ones who creating the crisis, fanning the flames, leading the charge, and advertise that it was they  who are calling on the US Attorney’s office to investigate what turns out to be  a petty and extremely minor occurrence….  They were fortunate they had Rick Jensen to give them one day of airplay, otherwise it would have flopped dreadfully.  Rick Jensen failed.  It flopped dreadfully anyways.

“Oh, it’s terrible, it’s typical. It is a sacrilege”…  anytime one hears that in politics it immediately sends up a red flag that someone is in trouble, that a) it is not terrible unless one has a very low threshold of what  “terrible” is;  b) it is not typical, unless one has no idea of what is typical and what is not;  c) it is not a sacrilege;  unless something like breaking a fingernail is also considered to be a sacrilege….

And so Rick Jensen wastes an hour, the News Journal wastes a page of print, and we all waste an awful lot of time…. which could be spent doing something far better…..

You see, the Democratic Governor, the Democratic Senate, and the Democratic House have done such an exemplary job of running this state, that there are no crises to divert voters attention away from the fact that Republicans have really done nothing since being elected into their seats.  Nada……

They NEED a crises to appear important…. And so they called their buddy, Tom Wagner,  the only Republican in a statewide office.

“Tom, Tom, save us, save us.  You gotta help us old buddy. Do something.  Do something”

Instead of doing the right thing and saying….” I stick my neck out for nobody,” …. Tom says “ok, let me see what I can dust off in my files…..”

“Oh, here is one… Let’s give this a shot…  (dials number)… “hello?  Hello?  Oh, yes.  Say, is this Doug?  Which Doug?  Uhh,  this is the News Journal, isn’t it?  Doug …. Denison. Heh, heh… Yeah, I remembered his last name finally.  Tell you, old age doesn’t make one as sharp as he use to be… heh, heh, heh….  Hi, Doug… this is Tom Wagner, state auditor.  Hey I got something you might be interested in…..  We need some help here if you could do us a favor….”

And so the story comes out….  Political Hands in Pact With Non-Profit.  ” An ‘ongoing’ investigation by the state auditor questions why a Wilmington nonprofit received more than $880,000 in contracts after an earlier review determined there was no way of proving the state money was used properly and salaries paid were justified. ”

Greg calls up Tom Wagner…. ” Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

But, soon the other side begins to come out.  Apparently this was a secret audit done which non of the perpetrators even knew existed. Apparently no collaboration of the actual charges were ever made.  Apparently this was created mysteriously in the dark of night,  and none of the responsible parties were asked to provide any documentation…  Apparently there was a good reason for that.  If they had been asked to provide documentation and did, then there would not be a crises.

They only mileage that can be ginned from this, is simply saying “there’s trouble in River City.”  When poking around, one finds there really is no trouble at all…..

If you look at the report,  simplified, it states that this nonprofit was audited before, and holy crap, we are still giving money to it.

Is that bad?  You tell me.  If a nonprofit corrects its deficiencies and functions as it is supposed to, shouldn’t it be allowed to continue?  Of course.  But Republicans can’t win if that’s the case.  They have no positives and can only win by saying Democrats are corrupt, and are equivalent to that abysmal boil on the underside of your rump.   But, when evidence proves otherwise, that Democrats are pretty cool and certainly more trustworthy,  Republicans lose big.

So Doug Denison gets slammed for faulty journalism, and so goes poking around to vindicate his name…   Here is what he finds.

A)  The State Auditor Tom Wagner was not comprehensive or thorough in his review.  (How much are we paying him?)

B)   Concerns addressed in the previous audit were fixed in 2009.

C)   Tom’s report inaccurately states that the contract was terminated and reinstated.  It never was terminated.

D)  The services provided by this organization are vital (life and death) and abruptly terminating this contract would have a life or death impact upon the elderly clients this non profit serves.

E)  Considering the gravity of such termination, Tom’s report deems the decision to continue using this service as “inappropriate”.  (WTF? Inappropriate  based on whose standards, Greg Lavelle’s?)

F) The auditor was unaware that a team had audited the facility and found no wrong doing.  The DHSS was never asked.  The evidence from that internal audit would have eliminate this issue completely..  (But… that wouldn’t have given Greg Lavelle a platform to scream from).

G) After the 2009 issue, a system was put in place of which the auditor (who simply dusted off an old report) was completely unaware, which monitored and assisted the organization in keeping their finances in good standing and compliant.  It’s like if your daughter bounces a check in her first checking account, you the parent, periodically look over it, teaching her how to balance it correctly.  It never happens again.

H) The report implies that the only reason this nonprofit received any funding at all,  is because Tony DeLuca, Patty Blevins, and Bob Gilligan, (all Democrats) overruled official policy and said…  “they’re with me… just give them ‘da’ money…”  Tom states:  “the agency had learned that a few phone calls would absolve their responsibility to comply with the state contract..”  The DHSS, was dumbfounded.  “There were no threats, intimidation, suggestions of reprisals or anything that equates to “political pressure”, as the report mistakenly concludes.

I)  Auditors did not interview anyone from the non profit agency about allegations of political pressure.  It made them all up.

J) The head of the organization told Doug Denison, the News Journal reporter, that since 2009 the organization has never failed to meet the expectations of the DHSS.  “They always say they have everything they’ve asked for.”

K) Non profits undergo a yearly audit by outside auditors, and not one of those accountants raised any concern. Neither has anyone from the DHSS.

Overall this claim by Lavelle and Tom Wagner and all other Republicans, is outrageous. That this is even an issue, and especially that it conveniently  gets trotted out to help Greg Lavelle who is already predicted to lose, and now must rely on some type of “hail mary” or something if he is to win his seat.

Now we all know that this is politics.  But here is the apparent tragedy.  WE, THE PEOPLE of the state of Deloaware, pay $101,600 to our State Auditor, who over two years, earns a combined total of $203,200 and issues one report or two just before election time to save one or two Republican’s seat.

That money one should think,  could be better utilized.  If the Republican Party wants to do a “hit” audit, they can use Party funds for it.  Not the hard earned tax payer dollars just to help keep Greg Lavelle from losing so embarrassingly.

The audit appears to never have been updated.  It appears that all evidence comes from the previous 2009 audit.  It appears that when the Correctional Work Force didn’t generate outrage, something else had to be created quick.  This was the something else.  It appears that all areas are compliant with all laws….

And this is exactly why we cannot have any Republicans in office.  Ever.  They do absolutely nothing except cry wolf.  They did in 1992. They did in 1996. They did in 2000.  They did in 2004. They did in 2006. They did in 2008. They did in 2010… And yep… here we go again.  It is time to throw all these imposters out of office.  These people, who earn our money just being lazy, watching tv, socializing, drinking expensive scotch, and don’t do a damn productive thing for society, think they are entitled to their office….   Except at election time of course, that is when they finally stand up and point their finger and shriek at the top of their lungs…. “You, you, Monster”…

Get rid of Greg Lavelle and all Republicans.  This state is too good to have even just one of them stinking up the works… They have done nothing but push us backwards.  They have done not one decent thing for this state.  They have stalled all progress and cost Delaware thousands of jobs.  All they do is scream…  it is time to vote either Democrat or third party… Someone who will actually do work for us….  Republicans?  Screw them…

I’ll change my tune if anyone, anyone, anyone, can name just one thing, one thing positive, that any Republican has done that no Democrat can do better!!!!!  I’ve been searching Republican blogs for years as well as listen to Rick Jensen over the same time period.  And I can attest that there  IS  NOT  ONE   SINGLE  BENEFIT  THAT  ANY  REPUBLICAN  HAS  DONE   FOR  THIS  STATE  THAT  IS  DOCUMENTED  ANYWHERE .

But there IS a lot of screaming. An… awful… lot… of… screaming….

I’m trying to put all your ideas together into one package. So, let me get this right… All you are asking is for, is a country where:

1) There is no universal healthcare.
2) Few entitlement programs.
3) Low Flat Tax System.
4) Faith based Government.
5) A deep reverence for God.
6) Extremely strict rules against abortion.
7) Marriage has already been strictly defined as between man and woman.
8) Homosexuality is a sin, and illegal.
9) Dress Codes are strictly enforced.
10) Tattoos, piercings, baggy pants, are banned.
11) Has the Death Penalty which they aren’t shy about using.
12) Strong private school system with religious focus.
13) Widespread dependency on oil and natural gas drilling.
14) Growing nuclear program
15) Nonexistent environmental nuisances
16) Culture that promotes family and stereotyped roles for men and women.

I’ve endeavored to put all your values on one page. I share your frustration because today, ever since 2008, it seems like America is moving further and further away from these values.

But you don’t have to be frustrated anymore. I have looked far and wide and have discovered a place already in existence that has those values in place, and more. If you sorely long for those values above, it is sincerely a place where you and your family would be very happy.

It is Iran.

You don’t have to pay me. I don’t need any commission. Just glad to help a fellow Delawarean out…. No problem.

Right click to open full image… Pictograph Courtesy of Viral..

So, can someone tell me again, why we shouldn’t tax the rich, and instead, balance the budget on the backs of everyone else?…….

I seem to be missing that little detail where that all makes sense……

Many of the areas hit by the storm had also been hit by Irene. In New Jersey’s Hamilton Township, Tom Jacobsen also recalled heavy spring flooding and a particularly heavy winter before that.

“I’m starting to think we really ticked off Mother Nature somehow, because we’ve been getting spanked by her for about a year now,” he said while grabbing some coffee at a convenience store…..


I’m calling on all readers to step up to the plate.

I have begun boycotting all Happy Harry’s. I’m using Rite- Aid.

I don’t see how anyone who loves Delaware, can stomach walking into any Happy Harry’s right now.

We are asking all to sacrifice. Many out there lost jobs and have no choice but to sacrifice. And we have a company that will not take a 2% reduction in the payment of medicaid benefits?

Well, FUCK THEM. FUCK THEM WHERE IT HURTS. They are getting 0 dollars of my money, and my money is going directly to their competitor…

Any legislator who dares walk in to a Happy Harry’s had better pray no one inside has a camera phone. Because their picture will be posted on this site for eternity.

Any political officials who dare do the same, had better think twice before venturing through those doors. We cannot afford to let some spineless or forgetful official represent our constituent’s interests.

I am calling on Jack Markell and Matt Denn to step up to the plate and issue a directive that NO STATE BUSINESS will be conducted through any Happy Harry’s establishment. All of that must now go to Rite Aid.

I’m calling upon John Kowalko and House Speaker Gilligan to demand that no business and request that no citizen of this great state, the first state of this nation to ratify the Constitution that made this awesome nation possible, walk through those doors.

I’m calling upon hero Karen Peterson, to demand that Walgreens rescind their order or that punitive legislation directed solely towards that one company, will be passed by both houses before this July 1st deadline…

I’m calling on Delaware’s Insurance Commissioner to show her critics that she indeed has spunk. I’m calling on KWS to prove her balls, to stand up to, organise, and carry this boycott forward from her bully pulpit, and not sit back and allow her critics to justify their accusations…

I’m calling on the Progressives of Delaware (PDD), to stand solidly behind those supporting this boycott. They have led on everything good for Delaware so far. They need to support this as well.

I’m calling on the mouthpieces of all three of Delaware’s political parties, to support the statewide boycott of Walgreen’s Happy Harry’s. For one, it needs to be effective, and two, the results need to be devastatingly severe to prevent any other uppity out of state corporation, from attempting similar processes.

(and as a personal FYI, if you own stock in Walgreen’s, dump it immediately, for it’s value will only go down, down, down, as word of this boycott leaks…. this is damned serious: kavips says: get out now).

Send Walgreen’s this message. You want to be petty. WELL FUCK YOU. We’re not wishy-washy Washington state. We’re far too serious and just to busy to play childish games. We have an 800 million deficit to take care of…

To step up the pressure, I am asking every citizen to consider picketing in front of every Walgreen’s owned Happy Harry’s to demand that they rescind their order.

I’m calling on all labor unions to likewise organise and set up pickets outside every Happy Harry’s in this state to demand that Walgreen’s rescind their policy which is unfair to all working people. Any company these days that is willing to blackball American citizens over a piddly 2%, deserves to go bankrupt as fast as possible. They deserve to go bankrupt. Deserve.

I ask Darlene Battle to organise all of ACORN and rapidly hand out petitions asking all of Delaware’s citizens to boycott every Happy Harry’s in this state and take their business elsewhere, Rite Aid is willing to work with this state. Give them your business!

So that’s what I’m asking. I want every Delawarean who still has some love for this state, to take their business elsewhere… Show them we will not back down. Rite Aid can take care of all our pharmaceutical and beauty needs. Screw Walgreen’s Happy Harry’s.

For every dollar spent in a Happy Harry’s from this point forward, funds the coffers of an enemy of the state of Delaware.. Every penny given to them, is a hundred dollars taken from us over time in our future…

So look Walgreens! If you want to play games, go ahead and play them. You are about to enter the marketing nightmare Delmarva Power lived in last year and about to suffer very similar consequences…

But you obviously didn’t research this state well before you came to your decision. For you left yourselves are far more open and vulnerable. Delmarva Power suffered severly even though most Delawareans did not have a choice; but with you, it’s two blocks down the road. We don’t have to give you money.

You should reconsider and fire the person accountable for the idea. Hell, it’s only 2%.. You’re paying more than twice that on the interest covering the financing you used to buy and expand the Happy Harry’s franchise… Let’s see how well you do with NO money coming in…

Delaware deserves better than anything Walgreen’s Happy Harry’s can offer. It’s time we stand together and prove it once again, that we are not called the “fighting Blue Hens” for nothing….

There is actually a very good reason that financial records should not be put on line.

That way you can’t see how they are spending your money.