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“Damn! Here Comes Trump Into The Dressing Room Again”

There really is no greater issue in this campaign.  Men just don’t get it.

But by voting Democratic from top to bottom (exception in 8th and 1st Delaware Senatorial) you elect and send Trump and his supporters packing; for good. The bigger the margin of the loss, the longer they stay away and under cover..

There is no greater issue in this campaign… If you are a woman, and vote for Trump, heaven help you.  One day you will awake and realize just how ugly your soul is.

There is no greater issue in this campaign.  Again… men just don’t get it… But you can put that ogre and the ogre of every man who’s violated you or made you feel uncomfortable, in its grave for good.

There is no greater issue in this campaign… and only by voting up or down Democratic can you make the point that we are done with this issue; we are finished; this issue is forever behind us…


“Reproductive rights and justice has always been about a fundamental respect – or in this case, disrespect – of women’s bodily integrity and autonomy”.

Either our bodies are our own, or they’re not...

“We are witnessing a moment where our country could move backwards – either back to a place where “boys will be boys” and men will make decisions for women. Or towards a future where our culture and politics understand and respect women as autonomous full human beings.”

Those are the two paths.

All of America heard Trump deny he’s ever sexually assaulted women, even though he himself has publicly described having habitually done just that.

What Trump doesn’t realize in his denials, was how many of his listeners are thinking about all the times men have done the exact same things to them.

And then you have his Republican women defenders: Party over human rights……..

They still vigorously defended their candidate as the one that will be best for women, and ultimately the country. They are unconcerned about his comments on women and weight or Alicia Machado.

They say they don’t think it matters. They really don’t care about Miss Universe. That’s not what politics are about to them.

But for everyone wearing larger than a size 12,  Trump’s comments have affirmed that due to ones size, they would be invalid in a world where Trump leads.

When it comes to the plate set before women, there is a graphically clear choice…..

We are choosing between

  • A candidate who has spent her political career fighting for reproductive rights, and a candidate who says that women who have abortions need to be punished.
  • A candidate who said this week in the final debate unequivocally that she will defend Planned Parenthood, and a candidate who has promised to defund it.
  • A choice between a person who has spent her life in public service, and a braggadocious businessman who rips off his workers.

And, perhaps most tellingly: we’re making a decision between a woman who has said that “women’s rights are human rights” and a man who says if you want to and can get away with it, you can just grab women “by the pussy”.

Polls tell us that on November 8, pussy will grab back…..

But it does not end with just a presidential choice.  Across this nation, in every voting district are hundreds of people lined up to be chosen by the voters carrying Trump’s philosophy forward… which is to put the brakes on a women’s right to control her destiny, which is to promise to continue the culture of letting men be boys and boys be men, which is to minimize the individuality that all women have.  The issue does not go away with just electing the person at the top.

No.  Everyone down ballot who still supports Trump, needs to go as well… You really need to know who is still supporting the back-room deals of keeping women under men’s control, whether they voice it or not… You will be able to tell by their actions…. Are they upset enough to denounce probably that presidential candidate most disrespectable of women in the history of the USA?

The following ….. are not…. 

Charlie Copeland
Colin Bonini
Hans Reigle
La Mar T. Gunn

State Senate Candidates

State House Candidates

Kevin Hensley:  District 9

Judith Travis:  District 10

Jeff Spiegleman:  District 11

Debbie Hudson:  District 12

James Louis DeMartino:  District 14

James R. Startzman, Jr:  District 19

Stephan Smyk:  District 20

Mike Ramone:  District 21

Joesph E. Miro:  District 22

Timothy Conrad:  District 24

Michael Nagorski:  District 25

Janice Gallagher:  District 29

William Outten:  District 30

Jean Dowding: District 31

Patricia Foltz:  District 32

Charles Postles:  District 33

Lyndon Yearick:  District 34

David Wilson:  District 35

Harvey Kenton, Jr:  District 36

Ruth Briggs King:  District 37

Ronald Gray:  District 38

Daniel Short:  District 39

Timothy Dale Dukes:  District 40

Richard Collins:  District 41

Lip service is one thing. Actions are something else.  All of the above at this late date are still supportive of Donald Trump and what he stands for….

These are all the Republicans running for state office, but two… I must isolate and mention both of them and encourage you to vote them in over their democrat opponents (no loss there in both seats) to show the world that Delaware is not a satellite of Donald Trump….

These two very special people are:

Meredith Chapman    Senate District 8

James Spadola    Senate District 1

I like to hold them when they are THIS BIG…..

Maybe you haven’t grasped it yet.. and you deny it to yourself… But you really do, deep down, hate women… What is wild is that some women hate women; how can that even be?

Rationalization… is how.

They rationalize that the abuse of women is less a problem than whatever problem it is they want Trump to fix…

Do they want all Blacks executed, bodies burned, and their property turned over to whites? Well, they like that more than they mind women getting molested….  is Charlie Copeland one of these?  He hasn’t disavowed Trump yet, has he?

Do they want all Mexicans, Hondurans, Guatemalans, El Salvadorians, Nicaraguans, Panamanians rounded up, killed and have all their property also auctioned off to whites? Well, they like that more than they mind women getting molested…. is Colin Bolini one of these?  He hasn’t disavowed Trump yet, has he?

Do they want to go to war with anyone and everyone at the same time because they refuse to bow down and accept us as their dungeon master?    Well,.. they like that more than they mind women getting felt up the leg… is Hans Reigle one of these?   He hasn’t disavowed Trump yet, has he?

Do the want an police state, which would be highly necessary if we are going to kill all blacks, Hispanics, and Asians in the new world order, leaving only old uneducated white men to carry on society… which would at that point, consist of nothing more productive than living off the possessions they confiscated in the process of culling out the minorities.   is La Mar Gunn, one of these?  He has’t disavowed Trump yet, has he?  And he even will be one of the first killed due to his skin color?   Is he showing signs of Alzheimers?

So if you ask them directly as like this:  Charlie Copeland, do you hate women… you will get a response saying no. He loves women…

What the proper question should be … is?    Do you love women enough to give up on Donald Trump and vote for Hillary?

It is the standard question men always ask themselves once they find themselves in a monogamous relationship… Exactly how much do I love this person?  Would I run into a burning building to face certain death to save her?  Yes or no, it is a level of ones adulation and respect.  Would I stick with her if she had an affair that became public knowledge? Yes or no, it is a level of ones adulation and respect… Would I save her from a burning car that was certain to explode?  Yes or no, it is a level of ones adulation and respect.  Would I discontinue a casual female friendship that made my love uncomfortable and upset?  Yes or no, it is level of ones adulation and respect…

So by choosing to stick with Trump, all these candidates are making a statement both public and private, about how they feel about women.  Despite direct evidence from Trump that he considers women to be mere objects, that their feelings never matter even if little girls, that if someone is a star, they can do what they want, or extrapolated, that any man can do what he wants, whether on a bus, a train, at a crowded function, he can run his hand up a strangers leg without consent and get a free feel, because after all.. it is now.. “presidential” to do so…

That denigrates women. and therefore if you denigrate women, you must hate them, right?   How can anyone denigrate that which they love?


Here are the following in Delaware Republican candidates who hate women and show it by their actions if not their words….

State Senate Candidates

State House Candidates

Kevin Hensley:  District 9

Judith Travis:  District 10

Jeff Spiegleman:  District 11

Debbie Hudson:  District 12

James Louis DeMartino:  District 14

James R. Startzman, Jr:  District 19

Stephan Smyk:  District 20

Mike Ramone:  District 21

Joesph E. Miro:  District 22

Timothy Conrad:  District 24

Michael Nagorski:  District 25

Janice Gallagher:  District 29

William Outten:  District 30

Jean Dowding: District 31

Patricia Foltz:  District 32

Charles Postles:  District 33

Lyndon Yearick:  District 34

David Wilson:  District 35

Harvey Kenton, Jr:  District 36

Ruth Briggs King:  District 37

Ronald Gray:  District 38

Daniel Short:  District 39

Timothy Dale Dukes:  District 40

Richard Collins:  District 41

If you want some fun, click on any link and ask them why they support an unregistered sex offender for their parties’ top spot…..

Why yes….. they certainly can…..

We return you now to our regular programing…. 

We are opting out of state mandated tests.

We are served up a spectacle of Presidential debaters living in bubbles saying nothing of substance.

Our media ignores the one person who is mouthing things of substance; basically the problems 99% of us face in balancing our paycheck against our expenses…. One is too low, the other is too high… They should be reversed.

Our Arctic Ice Cap is dangerously low, our entire global climate is reeling.

A seven billion person planet  freaks out and cannot handle a meager 1 million refugees from just 0.3% of its land mass.

The globe has never been richer…. EVER…. yet 99% of its people live in poverty.

Our own children are pawns in a grand scheme to eliminate public education and fix it so investors get rich off it.

Our corporate media simply doesn’t tell the truth anymore.  One has to turn to comedians to get real information.

A raspy brash loudmouth Jew with crazy hair calls out an Evangelist University of higher learning for not following the very laws laid down by Jesus Christ. An act very similar to that of another Jew a little under 2000 years ago who also challenged the religious authorities of HIS time.


That was today.  Meanwhile almost 50 million of our country lives in poverty, often while working too jobs… and everyone shrugs and thinks that’s ok.  The only thing worth discussing is Planned Parenthood and punishing Iran.

Is this really America then?  Are we no longer the land of opportunity emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty’s bottom?

Something has got to give, right?

It starts with you…. when you get mad enough to do something… that’s when it changes… 

You can… if you think about it…. start by going to Dover … 12:30 pm…. to protest the Smarter Balanced Assessment.   Because it is all connected… it is all about big money doing what it wants over your objections… It’s all about getting you out of their way….

Please Riot Here

When riots happen in Wilmington, which i’m sure they will, I hope they will learn from Ferguson Missouri’s mistake.

That mistake is to riot in your own neighborhood… That is just plain silly. Did we attack ourselves when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor? Or did we wage war with Japan?

Why people would loot and burn in their own neighborhood, is beyond me. I write this now, so when the opportunity to riot does occur, those with above average intelligence will have a plan to move the crowd out of their impoverished neighborhood, and instead riot in neighborhoods where the a) the loot is much better, and b) those responsible for the policy that has kept you down since Clinton left office, are directly affected. If you are going to riot, you should do in on the enemies home turf. Republican Country.

A riot has a purpose. It is to change things. To make things better by creating a situation that is worse than doing nothing, therefore something has to be done. Blacks didn’t protest on the back seat of the bus. They sat in the white section. Black students didn’t do their sit-in at the black counter. They did it at the white. Black students didn’t march into Tuskegee Institute with the National Guard. They marched into the all white University of Alabama. Martin Luther King didn’t do his marches within all black neighborhoods. He marched across the bridge into downtown white Selma….

So battling police in your own neighborhood, looting your own corner store, burning out yours and your neighbor’s houses, kind of double hurts you. Not only are you being oppressed by Republican Policies, but you are also setting those who support you, back even more….

So I’m writing this to tell you where to protest so it will do you some good.

It is called Westover Hills. There aren’t many people living there, but those that do are rich and very old and feeble. They couldn’t stop a crowd breaking into their house if they tried. Plus, when you loot, you could actually get something you could sell. Whose going to buy all the banana flavored Laffy Taffy you stole from the corner market? But you could easily swipe a Bose Stereo, or maybe find a safe with a couple of hundred thousand in it.

And instead of hurting mom and pop, or Uncle Joe and Aunt Alice, you would be hurting those whose money is directly responsible for you not having a good job, a good house, a good future. Those in Westover Hills vote Republican and it is Republicans who have allowed all the money to go to the top 1%… and none to you…

If you remember the Clinton Democratic years, it was different. You, or your mom and dad, did get richer every year and if that had only continued, you would have been doing rather well by now. But you got lazy and enough of you didn’t vote for Democrats in 2000 and now, we are stuck with the rich getting richer, and you and your neighbors, getting poorer…

So take the number 20 bus from 10th and Market side of Rodney Square and in 8 minutes and 15 stops later, you will be just north of the riot zone. Do your peaceful protests there, in the middle of the streets, and shout how Republicans have ruined everyone’s lives but those of themselves… When the riot police arrive with their single tank and tear gas, make them fire it at you so all those rich billionaires have to breath it too. Then when all hell breaks loose, break into the houses and rob yourselves silly. Don’t even worry. Unlike those corner stores, everything you take here is fully insured… Destroying their property, will in days, put all Delaware’s construction workers back to work. These guys are rich. They don’t dilly-dally around.

The main point is this? When you riot in your own neighborhoods which these Republicans never venture into, it only serves to reinforce their notion of you as a sub-human race. “Look at those pathetic people”, they will say over their Maker’s Mark and Hennessey, “they’re tearing up their own neighborhood. Maybe we should keep them doing it so they move and haul their sorry asses elsewhere.”

They will not be in any hurry to lift one finger… “make them suffer more” will be their outcry. But … if you do it in THEIR neighborhood, they will at least wonder why? In their asking around, what’s the real cause of these people rioting, they will come to the conclusion that they, with all the money, need to invest more, need to hire more, need to pay more, and that if they had previously invested more in our people, this riot would never have happened. That is your key… Getting them to call their out-of-pocket legislators and say, “raise my taxes; we can’t afford any more riots like these, even if we are insured. It’s the third time this year. I’m too tired for another round of tax free shopping!”…

You can even walk there. So forget the bus. Just send the coordinates out on social media, and anyone with a phone app can get there…. It is pointless for you to have to bear the cost and trauma of what THEY caused. It makes such great sense for them to bear that cost, and after doing so, quickly create the changes you need to pull yourselves out of poverty…

So pastors and neighborhood watch leaders. Start talking your kids to riot in Westover Hills, instead of your own street. Isn’t it about time, the real criminals get to feel the heat?

They are the ones who put you there…. Make THEM pay, not those who are poor like you. And pick up something nice for me while you are there… A nice oriental carpet would be cool… blue and white if you find one.

Florida and Missouri…

When was the last national murder outrage in a Democratic state? I think it was in the Republican enclave of LA, with Rodney King, in the otherwise Democratic state of California….

But I don’t know of any in New York. Vermont… Massachusetts…. Rhode Island…. Minnesota…. It always seems to take place in states that have lots and lots of Republicans…. like Missouri… and Florida…..

I don’t mean to cast disparagement upon all Republicans, but this is a puzzling conundrum… Why is it only Republican states that exist in such a state of dysfunction, that when someone murders a black, they get away with no criminal charges?

I think several generalities apply.

One, Republicans are just plain scared of black people. “Don’t get out of your car till he passes”..

Two, Republican philosophy stresses individuality as well as that a government’s rules and regulations should not apply to people and that everyone already in power should be allowed to do whatever it is they wish, because they are the “true” Americans and have a little flag patch on their upper sleeve to prove it….

Three, Republicans believe that having a gun, means killing something… What’s the point of being a policemen (or self-appointed vigilante) if you can’t kill your fellow human beings the Republican mentality goes. We saw it in Florida’s legislature. They throughly enjoyed and almost could not contain their rapture that their law, allowed for the public elimination of a black person. Almost it seemed that any means available to legally kill black people, especially if it gets around that inconvenient(to them) law that says, black people are equal to whites and deserve the same protections,… is something good….

Four, Republicans honestly feel blacks are not people… “Those darky things, over there..” they say. Republicans unlike Democrats, do not see blacks as their fellow brothers or sisters from a different mother…

Five, Republicans have an inflated sense of their own importance. If they tell you to stop, and you do, it gives them the right to shoot you dead… Sort of as in, “I’m SOOOOOOOOO IMPORTANT… I AM THE OMNIPOTENT AND CAN KILL PEOPLE WITH IMPUNITY. BUT IF I KILL WHITE PEOPLE, SOMEONE WILL BE MAD. HEY! BLACK PEOPLE DON’T MATTER. CAUSE ROMNEY, SAID SO…

I’ll stop there. Now keep in mind, not all Republicans feel that way. Chris Christie, for example, would agree exactly with everything I said, if he was talking about a fringe of his party… Because they are a fringe. Just like those clowns at Bundy’s ranch, those people who were too insane for mental internment so we gave them guns and banished them to a desert…. So I think all (even Republicans) can agree. It is this fringe that keeps biting all good Republicans in the ass… And we have to wonder why?

I think we can see the answer right here in Charlie Copeland, who is in charge of trying to mend a party that was shattered into single atoms, back into a viable political entity… In order to have any numbers promoting his self-respect, he has to cater to the fringe: those outlandish impostors who think they alone are a gift to all under-aged women… In Delaware, the far right fringe eliminated all viable Republicans from power. I believe that in other states, which due to their geography may be less Democratic, one encounters far more fringe elements and therefore, the party must due to their numbers, cater to their episodes of psychological dysfunction….

This allows the fringe to think they can act with impunity, and if they want to shoot a black person… what the heck. no one cares… stupid fool happened to show up while I was here… Oh look, he’s stopped running away and is putting his hands up? Good, let me get closer. Ok, he’s only 5 feet away, I can hit that. Let me empty this clip into his freaking big head… Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow… Ewww wow, neat “O”.. did you see how his head exploded with each hit and all that blood and meat shot everywhere… Cool… Wonder if there is another one I can still shoot?…

And that is my theory on why, white cops shooting underage black children, can only occur in states run by Republicans… Because there is no consequence. If you only said… the next black child who gets killed by a white police man, will cause all handguns, assault rifles, and miniature cannons to become illegal in the state of Missouri or Florida, then such incidents simply would never happen. For there would be real consequences then…. If in your capacity as a police officer you accidentally shot and killed a black child, the NRA would have you dead before the sun rose the next day.

You heard it here first.  More on this later, but first all need to work to make hemp completely legal…  Hemp  is God’s gift to America, and I don’t mean when it goes up in smoke.  I am speaking of  fibers…

Begin educating those who won’t vote for hemp legalization….

The hemp plant is a renewable resource..

Hemp enriches the soil it grows in. …

Hempseeds and hemp oil are highly nutritious and delicious…

Hemp is the only plant that contains all of the essential fatty acids and amino acids required by the human body… (stop over-fishing).

It is an excellent option for vegetarians.

It’s quite high in some essential amino acids, including gamma linoleic acid (GLA), a very rare nutrient also found in mother’s milk.

Fishermen sprinkle hempseed on the water as an effective bait..

Songbirds will pick it out of the mix as they prefer it over other seeds.

Hemp is becoming a common ingredient in lotions and many other skin, hair, and cosmetic products.. (compared to toxic chemicals).

Hemp is an ideal material for making paper. It regenerates in the field in months (unlike trees which can take 30 years or more to become harvestable after planting.)…

It makes a fine quality paper that is naturally acid free and does not become yellow and brittle or disintegrate over time like conventional paper.

Hemp is also excellent for making rugs and other textiles.  Levi Strauss’ original denim jeans were made of hemp.

Hemp is the traditional rope making fibre due to its flexibility, strength, and resistance to water damage..

Hemp oil can be used to create biofuels to replace gasoline for diesel engines. Unlike fossil fuels, biofuels are renewable and produce less of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.  Diesel built his original engine to run on hemp oil.

Alternatives to plastic can be made from hemp… Hemp based materials can replace wood and other materials used to build homes and other structures including foundations, walls, shingles, paneling, pipes, and paint.

Hemp may look like marijuana, however it does not contain the active chemicals that cause mind-altering effects.  Politics have kept this gift from us.  When Dupont made nylon, it influence was used to suppress hemp production….

58,000 tons of hemp seeds were imported into America for paint products in 1935″ — Sherman Williams Paint Co.

Hemp produces the same amount of oxygen while it’s growing that it would use in carbon dioxide if burned as a fuel. Also, due to it’s leaf/root ratio (this can often be 10% roots vs 30% leaves), hemp can produce between 20% – 40% more oxygen than will be polluted.

Thomas Jefferson himself said, “Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.”

The draft of the Declaration of Independence was made on hemp paper….

The first American Flag was made of hemp.

If hemp cross-pollinates with marijuana, it creates a lower THC marijuana, not a smokable hemp… Illegal growers will not grow near hemp farms because it practically destroys the effectiveness and marketability of their product.

Fabrics made of at least one-half hemp block the sun’s UV rays more effectively than other fabrics..

The US Drug Enforcement Agency classifies all C. sativa (hemp) varieties as “marijuana.”  Hemp was grown commercially (with increasing governmental interference) in the United States until the 1950s. It was doomed by the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, which placed an extremely high tax on marijuana and made it effectively impossible to grow industrial hemp…

While Congress expressly expected the continued production of industrial hemp, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics lumped industrial hemp with marijuana…

Because of its low lignin content, hemp can be pulped using less chemicals than with wood…

It is naturally resistant to most pests, precluding the need for pesticides. It grows tightly spaced, out-competing any weeds, so herbicides are not necessary. It also leaves a weed-free field for a following crop…

Today it is clear that these beginnings of “the war on drugs” were pushed into being by the newspaper, cotton, and petroleum industries, all of which had much to fear over being competitive with hemp…..

Finally, a word of wisdom from our founding father…. “Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere.” — George Washington 1794





The treasurers debated today. Here is one account.… Here another and better account

Debates at the small end of the political spectrum are fun to watch. Like two fat ladies wrestling in mud, their blows are thrown with such earnest, but hit wildly off their mark… Still it’s enough spectacle making it hard for one to turn away….

Overall, it was a draw… One’s arguments will resonate if you are already in agreement with those arguments. One’s arguments will slide like Gordan Ramsey’s food off of Teflon, if you aren’t…. What you believed when you came in, is what you believed when you came out….

One thing was clear, however. if you support the upper class or 1%… Barney like Carper and Markell and Carney, is your man. If you would rather give an edge to the 99%, stick with Flowers…..

“The key to that… is a citizens politics… that can beat big-money politics…..”