A sage old journalist popped his head out of my television screen the other day with an interesting take on the current war.

I wish I caught his name or something about him, but when I tried, I must have been unable to google the right category. If anyone can help me, I would like to credit him for this original nugget.

He was on a stage somewhere in New York, wore bright Red pants, a blue sweater, and some type of white Oxford shirt.

He was asked by the interviewer, on how he saw that George Bush’s take over of this country’s policy, would be played out if and when historians looked back upon it…………….

He said something revealing, which I have been turning over in my head for several days now, and will now tell you about it so you can turn it over in your heads too.

He said in his wide and varied career as a journalist, covering most of the hot spots around the globe since the 60’s, he had come to the conclusion that a president’s ideology had little, if any, control of events. It was the opposite, he had found true, he said. Events controlled presidents, not the other way around.

Right now it is the insurgents who control the agenda of the White House’s inner circle. Whatever the insurgents do, creates a situation that requires a response…………

Very little of what Bush decides to do will affect the insurgents. However, whatever the insurgents choose to do, has great bearing on the White House daily agenda, and may even have bearing on who becomes our next president. Whereas when we tried to place a president in Iraq, Chalabi, …………..No one has heard from him since 04…….

Bottom line, he said: events determine the course of History, not presidents…………………..