Outside the Perimeter
Courtesy of Department of Defense

Quite a week: one in which the local blogosphere was overtaken by events….

Biggest is wind, which today we discover what we waited all year for….more waiting.

Tommywonk has the issues in readable form with links to sources that are difficult to read….but necessary to fully understand what is at stake before us…..

In case you haven’t followed closely, the current fear is that wind will be postponed until the General Assembly meets and revises the Electric Utility Retail Customer Supply Act of 2006, and spreads the costs out beyond just the SOS customers……The postponement will actually cost us more than proceeding with the actual cost based on the SOS…There is considerable pressure to continue forward the momentum without revisiting the General Assembly where McDowell and Copeland can work to scuttle it……

The smart move? Pass it as is. If sometime in the future, an amendment is voted by significant members of the General Assembly to adjust that line covering the SOS customer base, so be it…Meanwhile permits can be applied for, and preliminary work can begin…..As Kempton/Dhanju’s map of Delaware shows, there is not a moment to lose………

Speaking of losing, Delaware Liberal has lost WordPress this week. With a new format, new widgets, and same old spunk, Delaware continues moving forward on the side of good against the forces of evil. Unfortunately their changes did little to help the Blue Hens. Nevertheless, since no one was expecting it, they should take all the credit for the Eagles win…..There is no other reason it could have happened….With McNabb quarterbacking? Unh, uh…..no way.

Other than that, presidential fever has taken hold of our local blogosphere. Huckabee-ry Hounding is taking place at First State….much to writer David Anderson’s chagrin, since he seems to support the Huck’ster….Ron Paul‘s fundraising prowness has inspired DWA,
The Curmudgeon,, Delaware Libertarian(nice format change), and Delaware Liberal.

What is important is discussion about whether the Paul candidacy is relevant to politics today…..A comment stream at DWA spawned this post at Delaware Libertarian, as well as the one at Delaware Liberal.

The pummeling of candidates continues…..Dana has Clinton (Bill) hittin’ on Obama, as well as Lieberman’s endorsement of McCain

Political bashing is fun,…..for a while…but watching from the outside, one might forget it is a little early to get so worked up…Iowa is soon approaching….But we forget that Iowa is not a primary…..Anyone can crossover party lines and support the other parties candidate they think will be the easiest to beat….Obama is legally allowed to bus natives of nearby Illinois, who meet some general qualifications, into Iowa to attend caucuses. The entire operation, is a show of support by only the party faithful…Most are often given rides by the very organization they then vote for….It demonstrates who has the best campaign machine, not really the best way to determine the best candidate…..But nevertheless, a win in Iowa, is a win… One that provides media bounce once you get to New Hampshire. All of us are on pins and needles as we await Jan. 3, 2008…..

Almost all: Alan Coffey is on vacation….

A few things not pertaining to the presidential race?

One word: Protack….You can read about him here, here, here, and here. And his stealth opponent had a few bytes written about him as well (watch the eyes).

Meanwhile some real battles for our constitution are being fought. The filibuster (promised) did not pan out; the bill was pulled off the floor until after the holiday break….But the speech Dodd gave on Monday, will be read by Constitutionists for years to come….Inspiring and awesome it is…..

Nancy crossed her Rubicon this week…. Give her your condolences……and send her a cake……(Al, now take off those poinsettias!)

Speaking of reaching that milestone, health care should be on her mind…..It was on Dana’s and with the help of Dr, Floyd McDowell, a five part series covering the ins and outs of Delaware’s health care system can be found on his blog. Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V. As Kucinich says: Single Payer is the way to go. For comparison, here is Protack’s:

Mikes Musings is the second blogger to cover Kevin Flemings amazing photography. I can no longer call Mike, Delaware’s Official Photographer…….Mike covers the new genre of Delaware Photo Blogs as well as the death knell of Delaware State News…….Goodbye. it was nice knowing you………

On the lighter side, Hube at the Colossus of Rhody has an accountability table that lets you know where you stand on this journey called life….Most will consider they have done fairly well. I think Duffy leads the pack…Someone let me know if that changes….If you feel the need to see more Huckabee-ry Hounding, Duffy carries the best one yet (it’s fake, and it’s funny).

Finally, if you need a break from the political bashing that has ratched up this week, due to the closeness of Iowa’s polls, you can see which URL’s to avoid, courtesy of Duffy….

So overall, with wind in the balance, our Constitution in danger, our state about to disappear, our Senator running well in Iowa, one of our icons calling it quits, then coming back under a different name, a candidacy struggling to find solid footage, health care moving out front and center, the blog world was busy….too busy for organizing a solid front….

That may change when the new wind blowing, blows away the last obstacle preventing open government from coming to Delaware…..