He tried to give away the Port of Wilmington to an oil company.

He killed Minimum Wage in 2013.

He rammed through SB51 which permanently weakens teacher education programs.

He created an Illegal Star Chamber to draw up HB 165 charter school beneficial legislation, in secret without public input.

He rammed through HG 165 which gives private for profit charter schools access to public school capital financing.

He tried to lower taxes for the top 1%.  And not for anyone else.

He proposed and pushed through requiring background checks for all gun sales.

He proposed and was able to get  mandated reporting of lost or stolen firearms.

He signed the Gay Marriage Bill.

He signed transgender equality into law.

He removed Delaware City Refinery from being in violation of the Coastal Zone Act.

He supported and called John Kowalko names over the 248 MW Newark Power Plant.

He brought in a buyer for the Millsboro pickle plant.

He had Dems in legislature kill the School Board Recording Act.

He has pushed Common Core and Title V Accountability through Mark Murphy.

He has charmed Delaware Labor Organizations into sitting on fences and crowing.

And he has done a lot more…..(outside the state)

My memory may be fuzzy, but for the life of me I cannot think of anyone having as many fingers in as many pies across the span of 365 days….  Can you?

For that reason alone, Jack Markell deserves the most influential person of the year award….   It’s an unanimous decision.

 Annually Given to the Person Place or Thing Most Impacting Delaware Over the Course of a Calendar Year
Annually Given to the Person, Place, or Thing Most Impacting Delaware Over the Course of a Calendar Year