Tagg Romney Secretly Plots To Better His Siblings In His Dad's Eyes

The new owners of Ohio’s voting machines under the brand name HART Intercivic is none other than Tagg Romney the son of one of the candidates Mitt Romney… This brand was one of two targeted after 2004 as being highly corruptible. The infamous Diebold was the other.

The first question is WHY?

The obvious answer is to throw the election.

The second question is HOW?

This is an old clip made 6 years ago after the truth that in 2004, Ohio Republicans flipped a Kerry Victory over into one for Bush. Their method was so send Ohio’s precincts vote totals to Republican headquarters to be tallied. The server was SmartTec based in Chattanooga Tennessee, the same which handled all GOP traffic. Ken Blackwell was never prosecuted because the prime witness was killed in a inexplicable plane crash en-route to the trial.


This is America’s Achilles Heal.

Oddly only two counties in Ohio use Tagg’s companies machines. (Green on the map above).. Hamilton and Williams Counties. Williams County appears to be primarily Republican, just this last primary voting Rick Santorium over Romney by a ration of 46 to 26%. Its primary ballot was sparse in Democratic contests, full in Republican, a good sign of which way that county votes.

In the Tea Party Election, 2010, here is how each county voted in the Kasich-Strickland contest. Hamilton… Kascich won by 143,000 to 132,000 and in Williams, Kasich won over Strickland by 6600 to 4900…..

We all know that Ohio can be close. Nothing demonstrates that more than analyzing two districts in Hamilton County, where Tagg’s voting machines will be used for his fathers election….

Those two districts are called Cincinnati 2 and Cincinnati 3. What you are about to see, is my taking the raw data off of the voter returns after the Obama wipeout in 2008 and comparing it to the Tea Party coup in 2010. I think that after examining the data, the motive behind taking his over control of this private company will be clear….

Here is the comparison.

Cincinnati results 2008

Cincinnati 2 A-X 2555 Republican
Difference 4169
Democratic 6724

Turnout… 70%

Cincinnati 3 A-K 366 Republican
Difference 3884
Democratic 4250


Now 2010 Kasich/Strickland

Cincinnati 2 1809 Republican
Difference 1899
Democratic 3708

Turnout … 41%

cincinnati 3 314
Difference 2020
Democratic 2334

Turnout……. 41%

Margin of victory 2008 8043
Margin of victory 2010 3919

Potential gain……….. 4124

Kasich won Ohio by as little as 77,000 votes. In these two districts alone, compared to 2008, was 4124 or 5% of the difference. Imagine the same results in a much tighter race?

The obvious Republican strategy is to keep voter turnout low in districts voting 98 to 99 percent in favor of Obama. The easiest method is to control the apparatus upon which votes are placed and counted. If one glances above one sees the difference between 40% and 70% turnout. This is already happening in Williams County. The county board has failed to comply to the Ohio Secretary of State’s requirements for achieving the necessary minimum number of voting units. The reason is because Hart Intercivic has voter machines to sell, but not to rent. The impoverished rural county could certainly afford a lease of more, but not the direct purchase of the new expensive machines. As a result, confusion will prevail, as precincts are combined to double up on Tagg’s company’s voting machines.

If the voting machines are capable of rearranging the votes in these two districts, Ohio could go red if the election is under a 10,000 voter margin. As the video above shows, it is impossible to trace. Gee, the same number of republicans voted, “but wow, look at how few Democrats voted this time. What a drop in turnout. Blacks sure didn’t show the outpouring they did for Obama 2008. Ha, ha, guess that means even they don’t think Obama is up for the job.”

That’s odd most of inner city Cincinnati’s poll workers will tell us;“we thought turnout was rather high! I guess they just didn’t vote for a president, probably just left it blank, that’s all….”