Thanks to Minner,… tomorrow may shape up as one of the most memorable last days of the General Assembly.  Always a special occasion, this last day may become the last hurrah of the “Olde Delaware Way” (the tradition, not the blog).

Fed up with the small group of cranky old men who think the Senate is their fiefdom, and react as if we are their serfs,and a governor who fits right in with them………   Delawareans who are seeing the cronies of crooked politicians pulling our strings, are simply fed up, angry, and fighting mad.

It sure lit Shirley up….  From this comment, to two posts of her own, here and here, she is jumping like a Libertarian in a Kangaroo Court.

Delaware Watch fires back at the Governor’s mansion with its 18 inch guns…..Important to note is that Ed Osborne has provided buses going south to Dover, and additional information is posted up on Dana’s site, Down With Absolute’s site, DelawareLibertarian’s site, and the Delaware Way. DelawarePolitics.Net drops a 2000 pound bomb on Minner’s head with this conclusion: “For those who needed another reason not to vote for a Democrat controlled State House of Representatives, here it is. We need at least two parties in this state. Don’t turn our state into an echo chamber instead of a place where all sides are heard”.

For once that blog and I agree. Governor Minner’s singular action has set back almost all the gains Democrats have accomplished over the last eight years. They have shown that despite chatter to the contrary, Democrats in the General Assembly, do not support the people. They support developers. The only option now left to Democrats is to save face by electing Markell as governor, a man not closely aligned with this gaggle of backslappers, whose plans now appear more trustworthy of helping citizens than those of the his opponent, which were made by the Senate and supported by the Governor…..

Delaware Liberal
explores the question as to “why”? But really, it is not that hard to figure out…

Minner is a lame duck. In that capacity her relationship with the average voter doesn’t matter any more. She will not be running for another office. Within stock trading circles, we call this profit taking. More important to her in her retirement, are the personal favors provided to her by wealthy developers, than anything you or I could ever do or say. Bottom line is simply her self interests:….. they can give her something, and we can’t.

What is at stake is “Eminent Domain”. Who actually owns the land underneath our houses…..Is it us?….Or is it the government…….

Property rights are the fundamental basis of our Constitution. Partly so because we were tired of having our property “suppressed” by the Crown of England. So our founders said: “This will never happen in America.” Governor Minner has chosen to go the other way because she “thinks” her way is better. Like the old Theoden in Lord of the Rings, her thinking is skewed by the “Wormtongues” flicking about her ears….

Actions speak louder than words. Here are what her actions and those of Adams, Deluca, McDowell, Copeland, are saying. Their ghoulish choir voices all echo the same refrain:…..


And kick John Carney in the teeth while you are at it. Laughing to themselves as they watch John’s political net worth rise sky high over his role in the Bluewater Wind deal, and then within the same week plummet to the lowest of lows, permanently anchored to the crusty old Democrat machine that will do what ever it wants. Gee….Way to help your friends….

Oh, My bad……I forgot… He’s not your friend. The likes of Capano and Acierno are……..

Tyler Nixon ties it all together. ” Open government can begin on Monday, rather than as a re-election promise for November. It’s real simple. A Senate rules over-ride followed by a veto over-ride. The House would surely follow suit without quibble.

A few Democrats can take a stand and, for one brief shining moment, make the desk drawer yield up a dead-of-night end of session morsel for us mortals out here in the public.”

History can be made tomorrow. The Bastille must be stormed. Tomorrow there is “no such thing” as shying away from “protesteth (ing) too much” That dying elite class of lame duck old fogey’s, must be made to understand that we are there protesting for Our Country, and for Our Rights as citizens, and not as just another lobbyist “who has “some’ concerns about a certain bill.”

There are times when one should be polite. We know that. But then again, …there are times when results are needed and sometimes politeness gets in the way of making one’s will clearly known. If Thurman Adams will not release the bill from his desk drawer in time to override Minner’s veto, then every available citizen of this state, and we’re talking about the same first state to say “WE DO SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”, ….every available citizen needs to haul ass down to Dover, partake in the storming of the General Assembly, and interrupt the process long enough to ensure this last session of the 144th remains unconcluded until after such time has passed allowing the eventual override that veto.

The legislature can be reconvened at a time when the People’s business can be attended to, or they …can….just….stay…very…very….late….