Imagine this scenario.

To be considered a true Democrat, you need to support people over corporations.

To be a true Republican, you need the support of corporations over the American People…

That is how it’s always been; that is how it will always be….

The public option inserted into our Health Care legislation, helps the American people. Most physicians support the public option. Most Americans support the public option… Unbelievably, even most Republicans who ARE NOT IN OFFICE, support some type of public option…

Having no public option, helps the insurance corporations. Ironically, having no public option hurts every other corporation in America, something Republicans have yet to figure out… But still, it is a pro business piece of legislation to have all insurance privately owned and all Republicans are behind it… However they’re are primarily taking that tack to oppose our president. There is a good chance that if Obama himself were to reverse and come out in favor of supporting having only private insurance options available, the entire Republican bloc would switch on a dime to counteract him and support the opposite of what he does, the “public” option en masse..

So hypothetically, if everyone who supports having no public option is pro corporation and therefore a Republican, then Delaware’s Tom Carper, who supports having no public option, would be considered to be in that category.

In the context of that frame, the above headline would ring true.