What a great day.

A)   The Phillies are national champs…(was it really 15 years ago?)

B)   The last debate has passed without any large errors by either candidate…

C)   But the best part of my day was waking up to this, on the last page of the News Journal’s A section….. What a Great Headline… I just grinned from ear to ear and walked on air all day long….

You all know I’ve said it. And i can think of one, two, three posts off the top of my head where Tommywonk has said it. And John Kowalko has said it. And now Pat Gearity has said it… Delaware Liberal has said it. Matt Denn has said it (first again as usual). I believe that Joan Deaver has said it. All of Delaware’s smart people have said it. In fact, to be considered smart in Delaware, it has become a state requirement to publicly say it. And it is not just smart people…even the MSM stalwart of the New York Times says it unequivocally….

Charlie Copeland is off the mark with Bluewater Wind….

So Dudes, if “Copeland is so far off the mark with Bluewater Wind”:

Why would you trust him with the future or our schools, especially those of Red Clay?
Why would you trust him with our chances to get open government into the General Assembly?
Why would you trust him to take action against any business, intent on gouging Delawareans?
Why would you trust him with our Sustainable Energy future?
Why would you trust him with our budget?
Why would you trust him to bring in new jobs?
Why would you trust him to increase faith based initiatives?
Why would you trust him to make our lives a little bit better over the next four years?

Face it. You can’t. Because of how he handled himself during Bluewater Wind process, we saw his true character: you can’t trust Charlie Copeland.