Just came across this exchange…..

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey: “The answer to whether I support additional support for the moderate opposition is yes.”

Senator Bob Corker (R, Tennessee): “And this authorization will support those activities in addition to responding to the weapons of mass destruction.”

Dempsey: “I don’t know how the resolution will evolve, but I support – ”

Corker: “What you’re seeking. What is it you’re seeking?”

Dempsey: “I can’t answer that, what we’re seeking…


And now…. you know…. the rest of the story….

And as an aside… the number of those opposed in America to this engagement where we don’t know what we are seeking…. is now above the combination of those who don’t know, and those who as Arlo Guthrie put it best in Alice’s Restaurant…. want to kill….