Judging from today’s chatter or lack of it, I was probably the only one listening in on Rick Jensen’s take of the spending controversy of our state legislatures… As you see, in the News Journal a list of spending on out of state trips, has been itemised for every citizens perusal….

Bonni got on the horn, received radio time and helped Jensen lambaste legislators for spending money…. Unfortunately… that’s what they are paid to do, (just not spend it on themselves)…. Well, I had to wait, since Delaware is not 4G yet, to access the actual chart from Delawareonline.… Of course some anti Democratic party corruption accusations were tossed about… Of course…

So, imagine my surprise that 14 out of the top 17 spenders were all Republicans….

To myself, I said “figures”…. They are the ones shrieking the loudest about governments spending money… But as an investor myself, I am well aware that money spent that gets a return is not wasted money, but invested money… That is something Republicans always overlook… They concentrate on Democrats spending, without looking at the benefits such spending generates…

So I took a look at the top spenders fully expecting to see itemised bills for hookers and gigolos… Unfortunately they weren’t there…

I did find that almost all of the money spent by both parties for travel out of state, went to send legislators to two groups.

One: The National Council of State Legislatures

Two: The Council of State Governments

Some may decry these as junkets. I’ll disagree. The largest problem a small state has is diversity of ideas. Face it. Practically the entire top third of the state are Eagles fans. The middle third are Raven Fans, and the bottom third are Redskin fans… Were something innovative such as the West Coast Offense were to occur, we would never know about it…

The same occurs in government. We need access to ideas. One can sit a a computer only so long… (Many of us spend way to much time there anyway)… But, face to face, arguing in the halls, listening to what’s worked elsewhere, has the realism of saving our state money… If an idea gets offered up in Oklahoma, but failed in Arizona when tried there years before, it saved Delaware lots of money NOT to have brought that idea back and tried selling and implementing it into policy… And sad to say, the realism of finding these things out can only occur when you bring people together, face to face.

So I’m in favor of most of the money spent. It is very necessary. Both parties cry out over the iron fisted grip that only a few people have over our entire legislative process. Getting outside ideas away from the top down leadership structure both houses of General Assembly use to survive, is helpful to all Delawareans….

During the past budget crunch we especially needed to outreach and discover different ways to cut costs; something even our most ancient of legislators had yet to experience in their lifetimes.

What was interesting was how fast people reached for the information to bash the other side. It doesn’t matter which party… Without checking the facts accusations were flying across the airwaves… Listening in you heard the Republicans bashed as hypocrites; the Democrats castigated as wasters… But truth-be-told, all this travel was necessary… and will continue to be, if this state is to continue to exist as America’s second smallest state….

I’m reminded of the ancient Kubrick film, where with the discovery of a monolith, a prehistoric apelike creature picks up a loose bone laying on the ground and bashes in the head of its enemies… That is sort of what happened today on the Rick Jensen show.

The bone, was just an inanimate object in an unlucky position and an unlucky time….