Seabiscuit pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton

Biden speaks volumes. Everyone discusses whatever he says. All the other candidates are spoken of in strategic terms: for instance, should they move this way, should they respond to that challenge, should they mix it up or remain above the fray? But people actually talk about what Biden says; the distinction is important.

After the last debate, commentary was flying all over the political airwaves. One could actually see from their facial expressions, how each commentator got excited as they reiterated back to the camera, whatever it was that Biden had said. When they commented on the other front running candidates, only then did their faces take on that glazed-over look while speaking about this person not wanting to piss that group off, or of that candidate shying back a little to accommodate this other group they may have to worry about. Even though most of the coverage was on the three candidates who are by most, considered to be the front runners, most of the excitement, came from Biden. Biden on gays in the military, Biden on Darfur, Biden on immigration, Biden on campaign reform, Biden on the solution to Iraq. Everyone says he wins each debate, but then, almost in the same breath, they continue that he cannot be a serious contender because he has way too little money. His handicap is too high.

The media is pushing us away from choosing what our individual hearts are telling us what we want to do. All Americans agree that this country has huge problems. Can we as Americans, this time around in 2008, actually afford to select another president who dances politically with the circling wolves, instead of meeting them head on?

This reminds me of another race, another story, from another era, the Great Depression. Times were simpler then. There was a horse who could run;……… boy could he run. But due to his breeding, training, and unsophistication, he did poorly in his early races and no one gave him a chance. All hopes and bets fell heavily to the favorites. But there came a time when all hopes and bets were proven wrong. Someone truly believed in Seabiscuit. It took an unconventional trainer and a broken jockey to together convince this horse that he could run better than the champions. They then rode Seabiscuit to the winner’s circle.

Today one is easily disgusted when watching the same old forces choosing who we are supposed to want and who we will eventually vote for, and which issues if proffered, will propel us either to either reject a candidate or instead, reject his opponent. Don’t just take my word on it. If one takes the time to study the debates, one can not help but see how much media filtering going on which eventually determines just which candidate will get their chance to speak to the American public. Want more proof? Compare a C-Span debate to one covered by a corporate network.

I am tired of this slanting. In an open election for my president, I want to hear straight-out what all the candidates are saying. I have little concern with the media’s preoccupation as to who is the most strategically placed to win. Understandably, strategic placement may help a candidate win an election, but it has damn little to do with how he/she will run this country after they are elected. What I desire, and I have yet to come across any voter who feels otherwise, is to have everything laid out, lined up before us and then let us, the voters themselves, determine the agenda of the election.

If it is as true as it appears today, that the media has sold out to the corporations that own them, who can we then turn to for unfiltered information?

I believe, by default, that the ultimate responsibility will fall to the bloggers to sort through streams of data and determine the front runners for 2008. I want, at least for this year, to have our nation to put politics as usual where it belongs, on the back burner, and then let the candidates do what they are supposed to do………..Run………

We then see who runs best. Most likely that person will be able to run our country the best as well.

Remember the 60’s statement: trust no one over thirty?

Perhaps we should trust no one who pays over thirty thousand for a minute just to tell us what he has to say…………………………

Let the man run.