I’m glad Unstable Isotope posted the police chief’s take on Wisconsin Governor’s Scott Walker planting Egyptian thugs into the protests surrounding the Madison capital building.

And the fact that it was ignored by all media for 24 hours and now is only being given some coverage by MSNBC, thanks in part to the vision of reality given by the man who made me typing this possible; Bill Gates.

What got lost in all the outrage, was the simple question: Is this really democracy when you have to plant thugs into a peaceful protest because your side is wrong?

Here’s how Democracy was explained to me. Each side argues its position. The audience listens to the debate and forms an opinion. The audience then votes, and with good probability, the result should be the one making the most sense.

It is extremely unfortunate, that Republicans have taken Democracy to a point, where IT IS NECESSARY TO HIDE THE FACTS from the America people.

It is America’s Reichstag moment.

The facts are, a lot of Americans are against this bill. They are not special interests; they are firefighters, policemen, plumbers, carpenters, actors, and anyone and everyone who works for a living.

Trying to kill, maim, create havoc, so that in responding back to getting hit in the head, those heroes seem like madmen too, is not what our founding fathers had in mind… In fact, it was against such people that our founding fathers set up our Constitution to protect our nation from.

Ladies and Gentlemen: These Republicans are very sick individuals. This is not how our country is supposed to act.

This is the behavior of a party that knows it is a minority. These are cultist personalities, who know a fluke has put them into a seat of power, and they will Jonestown the world in their brief time, to make their point. That point being they are stupid, ignorant, self-centered, disruptive, arrogant, ugly, prostate-crazed, balding, incontinent, and very rich men.

I wish I could be kinder, but this is America, not Egypt. We elect Democrats and Republicans, not strongmen for 30 years…..

This is what happens when you give people who can’t control themselves, too much money.

This is one more reason, why they need to be restrained….

Continuing the tax breaks, giving them even more money, is the wrong approach… You want changes, raise their top marginal rate not up to 97% like it was during WWII, but just even to 40% like it was during Clinton’s term… That is how you will take back America and restore the rights to America’s middle class. That is how you create those millions of jobs that opened up from 1946 all the way up to 1974.

It’s simple math. It’s preserved in our historical record. America does really well when its top marginal tax rate goes above the 40% marker.

Really well..