I’m am going to acknowledge that with the Olympics on 24 hours a day, I am not going to spend the time I usually do with subjects within my posts.

I’m going to STARBURST on brief occasions and go back to what “really” is important….. 24/7 for fourteen twelve more days…..

That saying this idea occurred to me while responding at the Curmudgeon….

I want no one to tell me what to do…. I may accept it temporally but I won’t like it….

That makes me somewhat of a Libertarian… However there are times when someone has taken advantage of such freedoms bestowed upon them, that they begin, by the very grace of their freedoms, to impose their will upon myself and my family. In that case, I want them taken out… Eradicated….. “Soprano’d”….. That makes me somewhat of a Progressive.

I think the difference is between small and large. A fox eating a rabbit doesn’t concern me, but an army of foxes fighting an army of rabbits on my front lawn, kind of ticks me off…

So I believe in free marketing when it is small and there is enough give and take among all parties that some symbiotic balance is achieved between all parties. Then individual talent has a chance to move a species forward up the evolutionary ladder…. But when the market gets too big or it merges together so that only one man can control its direction, then I think it needs to be split up and returned back to where every entity must fight for its own existence…..

You can dislike Obama for being black (it was covered in the thread I mentioned earlier) but I have come to the conclusion that big business, big oil, big government, big bullies need taken down a notch……..

McCain just is not strong enough to do it….

Therefore I would like to argue against my new-found Libertarian friends that Obama will eventually lead them to a more Libertarian society, where things operate much more efficiently, than will his alternate, John McCain.

Since this is a rather introspective post, due not doubt to thoughts occurring while watching our species compete against each other to determine just exactly who is best at doing “a certain arbitrary task”, I would appreciate some feedback.

By the way, sorry  if you arrived here out of the misrepresentation of the title….